Can I Handle Safety?
I really dislike the word safe; so naturally that is exactly what God has been prompting me to accept about Him. I grew up in church; from before I can remember until I graduated high school, church was a stable presence in my life. But it wasn’t necessarily a safe place; I learned that very quickly. My first church memory is of kids chanting, “Heather doesn’t have a daddy.” It was quickly stopped but the imprint was there; I could be hurt at church, and more importantly by church people. Fast forward to becoming a pastor’s kid; church was definitely not safe! Lol, I mean that with some humor but there is truth. People telling you that your dad preaches too long or not long enough; mom doesn’t sing songs the way they like it etc. Word of advice, PK’s are probably some of the most perceptive and discerning kids, so be careful what is said around them, they pick up on the non-verbal cues like an English teacher looking for grammatical errors! We have to, it’s a learned sur...