The Great Chase
My dog loves to chase squirrels. She will run from window to window in our house looking to see if any of them dare to set foot in the backyard. Whenever one does, she races to the back door barking to go out. And then off they go, running and chasing until the squirrel jumps up the tree. It’s a pretty fun little game to watch and quite comical to see Molly (the dog) circling our tree waiting in vain for a squirrel that just springs from one tree to the other, 50 feet overhead. It was a great game to watch until the other day when Molly caught a squirrel. Either the poor thing was a little slow on the go or just young; whatever it was, he failed to jump up the tree and instead just kept running around it in circles. Silly Molly was so shocked when she grabbed it that she didn’t know what to do! They tussled for a few seconds then the race began again. This happened three times before the squirrel finally limped up the tree. Neither Molly or the squirrel were really hurt, bu...