Wrath or Restoration?
Sodom and Gomorrah. Three words that cause more hate than almost any other in our language. What was it about these cities that so angered God that He decided to destroy them? He had already decimated humanity in a world-wide flood and then said He wouldn’t do that again; therefore these people must have done some pretty terrible things to push Him to this point. I realize that almost everyone has very set ideas about why God decided to get rid of them, and arguing about them won’t bring either side together. Instead I want to understand the heart of God about Sodom and Gomorrah. Was He stirred in anger towards a sick town of filthy sinners, or was it something more? What is God’s heart towards sin? God’s heart is to destroy sin, but to restore the sinner. He desires reconciliation over wrath. God desires to reestablish people, not watch them die in sin. Sin is what separates us from God and He loathes that division! God knows what sin does; ultimately it destroys ...