When Egypt Comes

King Shishak had waited for this moment; hundreds of years had passed since the Israelites had destroyed the entire Egyptian army. Egypt had never forgotten this shameful disgrace, instead they had waited for the right time to strike back. It had finally arrived. King Rehoboam of Israel arrogantly ignored the God of his people; the very same God who was their protection from Egypt he now regarded as worthless. The time had come; Shishak, with an army too large to count, swept into Israel intent on Jerusalem’s destruction and the final defeat of the Hebrews and their infernal God. Can you imagine Rehoboam’s fear at realizing that Egypt had come to claim their vengeance and God was not going to stop them? He grew up hearing the stories of Moses, the desolation of Egypt, and the triumphant protection of God. He was no stranger to God’s grace; his father was Solomon, the wisest man ever born. His grandfather David, the man after God’s own heart, had surely told hi...