
Showing posts from April, 2019

Praising in Silence

All the earth will bow down to worship; all the earth will sing your glories forever! Psalm 66:4 (TPT)    Last Sunday was Easter and everyone seemed to have a great time at church, all the kiddo's were decked out in Easter's finest dresses and little suits. Moms and dads were in larger suits and dresses, making sure family photos were capturing all the beautiful moments. As for me, well I was a balled up stress knot, terrified of loud noises and barely able to speak to people. A recent flare up of a health condition has left me pretty much unable to function independently; it's a great time to have it pop up, with an aunt, cousin, and my grandparents all staying with us for the holiday.               Nevertheless, Sunday was a better day, and as we were singing songs of worship to our risen King (even though I wore earplugs), I was finally able to relax a bit. As we started to sing an old song, "Worthy is the Lamb Who was Slain" ...

Does God drive you?

Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me."    Every time I read or hear this verse I immediately think of the same things most people do. Money, jobs, cars, etc are all things that we do put ahead of God many times; however lately, God has been revealing to me other things that I've put before Him. Things I wouldn't really consider "gods" in my life but that is exactly what they had become.    What is a god? Merriam-Webster defines god first in the traditional Judeo-Christian sense and then as "a person or thing of supreme value." So a god is whatever drives us. Could money, jobs, and cars all be things that drive us? Sure, but I bet if you look deeper, you'll find hidden, embedded things that drive you; maybe stuff you didn't even realize. I know for me, the things I found that were driving me were the exact opposite of what I wanted; I didn't even realize what I hated was controlling me.    The first thing God show...