Love and Disagreement
I once had this meme posted as my profile picture for a while, so now it comes up every year as a reminder. This year as it popped up yet again, I was struck at how accurate and yet inaccurate this picture is. Are there Christians who cause harm to others by using parts of the Bible to condemn others? Absolutely true, I won’t try to deny or defend that. We are all guilty of this and not just to the LGBTQ community but to everyone. We have spoken words of anger, hate, condemnation, and judgement to almost everyone at some point, even to God. We’ve delightfully called it “love” while we actively tore people apart. On the flip side, is it love to overlook something we know will cause pain and heartache? Jesus loved everyone but He never said, “It’s OK, just be who you feel you should be.” He called people who weren’t anything and showed them the someone they could be. His love extended beyond their sin but didn’t let them stay in it. Isn’t that how we are supp...