The Ugly V Word
Since posting the first couple blogs I have begun to get this peculiar sensation when I'm around people; I don't like it, most people don't. I was trying to explain it to a friend of mine the other day, I kept saying I felt a little paranoid like everyone now knows all my secrets and feelings. But paranoid isn't quite the right word and I couldn't think of anything else to use. Then she said it, "The V Word"... Vulnerable! Imagine my shock when I realized she was exactly right! That was the perfect word to explain my discomfort and I began to realize how much I really don't like even associating myself with that word. Vulnerable= an adjective meaning 1. capable of being physically or emotionally wounded, 2. open to attack or damage. Neither of these descriptions sound like something I want to be! As a military police member and then juvenile detention officer, I was pretty extensively trained in methods of how to make sure the people and pla...