August 26, 2018

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26 August 26, 2018. D-Day. Well, for me at least. I had arrived on yet another visit to Kansas City under the guise of going on a road trip with my parents. The reality was I was there to go to World Revival Church again. In the past month after only two services I had been unable to think about really anything else. In Phoenix I had bought Pastor Steve Gray’s book “My Absurd Religion,” secretly and rapidly reading while hiding it from my girlfriend. I had an all-consuming desire to move to Kansas City; I thought of really nothing else. I watched old sermons on YouTube, did streaming whenever possible, and for the first time in decades started to read a Bible. But I was tormented. My life in Phoenix was great - solid job, happy relationship, good friends - yet I was miserable. And that’s why August 25 found me on yet another pl...